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Máxima Murillo / Alonso Murillo - Textile & fashion designer

Máxima Murillo is a fashion brand based in Mexico City and designed by the Creative Director and Fashion Stylist, Alonso Murillo. A female nomme de plume that constantly questions various social issues including gender identities.


One of the brand interests focuses on recycled garments with the aim of using existing resources and tools without consuming new ones; the project is a response in opposition to the "fast fashion" industry to recover the ritual value of clothing with new emotional links.

Most of the clothing and fabrics come from vintage markets going through a deconstructive process to create new aesthetics, silhouettes, colors and feelings. Patchwork is mainly used to create unique pieces  that can be made from a client's old wardrobe possessions.

Máxima Murillo has different projects with the aim of creating unique pieces for exhibitions and magazines, sometimes including other designers to create magical pieces that can not be created separately.



A high percentage of our pieces are meant to be for men, women and people without a particular gender. Allowing our clients to choose the clothes for what they like and need without choosing a stereotyped kind of clothing. We create or own prints and fabrics to offer uniqueness for different strong personalities. Littles pieces create a bigger and better one. We believe together we can create a better world.


Find us in


Tehuantepec 257, Roma Sur, 06760 Ciudad de México, CDMX, México.

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